JustGiving is a community fundraising platform that lets anyone start and promote their own fundraiser. All donations received through JustGiving go directly to Happy Doggo.
JustGiving is a community fundraising platform that lets anyone start and promote their own fundraiser. All donations received through JustGiving go directly to Happy Doggo.
From Everest treks to bake sales, our community has shown up for us in incredible ways.
Joe's mum, Kerry, was a very early supporter of Happy Doggo, and Niall was lucky enough to meet her in person before she sadly passed in 2023. To honor her memory, Joe walked 85 miles around London's ring road, raising over £1,200 in her name.
Three of the original Happy Doggos–Whacker, Rodney, and Moritz–hosted an online auction for a signed (pawed) print and a gift basket of dog treats and toys, raising over £3,500.
Eve (one of our adopted Happy Doggos), along with her new mum Jade, decided to trek Snowdonia in Tina's memory, raising over £26,000 for Tina's Hospital.
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